APRIL 2018:
Featured in The Interior Catalog (Japanese publication). 4pg spread.
OCT 2017:
The Devil Wears Parsley (Natalie Wiser-Orosco’s cooking blog)
Cooking video “Gochujang Jackfruit Tacos at Spirit Wind”
SEPT 2017:
Nylon magazine fashion editorial, “Space Cowgirls”, Sept. 2017 issue, 10 pg.
AUGUST 2017:
Feature in California Lifestyle (Japanese publication), pg. 12-17 and front/back cover
APRIL 2017:
Ruby Nichols, from Almanac of Style, listed Spirit Wind as one of The Sexiest Places to Stay in Joshua Tree.
Luna Shadows filmed parts of her video Cherry at Spirit Wind.
MAY 2016:
Jody Hume wrote a great post about Spirit Wind on her blog Moodmaybe.com
APRIL 2016:
Hart, Lisa Marie. “Middle of Somewhere. The Truths and Myths of High Desert Living” Palm Springs Life 01 Apr. 2016: 22-24. Print.